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Zpráva z Ukrajiny

Zpráva z Ukrajiny

07.03.2022 | Vladimír Rybecký | Aktuality

Velmi osobní zprávu nám zaslal náš ukrajinský přítel a kolega z organizace AutoBest Oleg Vasylevskyi s opakovanou prosbou o pomoc pro lidi na Ukrajině, kterou osobně zprostředkovává. Podle jeho zkušeností prostředky přes SEPA jdou rychleji než přes SWIFT.
Europe survive if Ukraine withstand. What if not?
I've caught the collapse of the USSR in Ukraine. I came to Kyiv from Minsk to study as an automotive engineer. I went to university in one country and graduated in another. Like most specialists in mechanics, I received a second, military education. I was the university's top shooter. I took an oath of allegiance to Ukraine, but was never drafted into the army. I hate war. This has been passed down to me.
My dad caught the horrors of WWII in its hellish place – in the city of Orsha, Belarus. Every second inhabitant died there. My grandfather was shot by the Nazis in front of my father, a 7-year-old boy. My dad hated the war and prayed all his life that his children and grandchildren would not see it.
Dad, what a blessing that you did not live to see the revival of fascism in a country that has been proud of the victory over it for 77 years. And now it's come to take us back to her fictional, bast shoes empire. Us, free Ukrainians, who chose European democracy. Country, the author of the world's first constitution.
My native language is Russian. But my children were born in Ukraine. I love this country, its language, its history, its culture, its way of life, I admire Ukrainians. I enjoy speaking this melodic language, although no one requires me to do so. Neither in the West nor in the East. Look at: Russian-speaking Kharkiv, Ukrainian-speaking Chernigov and Greek-Russian Mariupol are fighting equally selflessly.
So, I am one of those tens of millions of Ukrainians who will not forgive Russia for the dead children. I will not forgive the tears of my daughters and the fear in the eyes of my son. I will not forget with what barbaric pleasure they destroyed our pride, our big bird «Mriya».
In Ukraine, there are more and more cities and villages that already exist only on the map. They disappeared along with their inhabitants. Many remained lying there forever – under the rubble after the missile and bomb attacks of the Russian army and its mercenaries who do not know pity.
I don’t know if you can imagine in 2022 how you lose everything that was so hard to get in one day: a cozy home, a job that feeds you to your fill and for many years the prospects of returning it all. Your beloved animals are starving without you. Your old parents are kept in this world only by faith in victory without access to medicines.
Tens of thousands of people have gone through this horror twice in the eight years of the war. They gave up everything twice for the chance to save one thing, but the most valuable one - their lives. Therefore, I do not blame them for the fact that they hastily left the country on the very first day of the war. They have learned to feel danger with their skin.
My family and I stayed, as did many of my relatives, friends and acquaintances. Because we can do a lot to win here without even pulling the trigger. We find the strength in ourselves not to lose heart, not to panic, and not to be sad for what we have lost. Because we have no one else to rely on.
We see tremendous support from people around the world. But we also see ourselves thrown to the raving bear. The world lacks the resolve to help us pull these embers out of the fire. In return, we are provided with plenty of sunglasses so that the bright light of the flame does not hurt the eyes that much. «The repetition of the mantra that NATO cannot help Ukraine already sounds pathetic and shows the cowardice of the West», says Dalia Grybauskaite, president of Lithuania, 2009-2019.
Sanctions work, Javelins and NLAWs work, but international business has not left Russia, let's be honest. It is simply postponed until the circumstances are clarified. That is, until the end of hostilities, no matter whose defeat they end up with.
We have gathered all the forces into a fist. But the ex-empire still has disproportionately large resources. Even if their soldiers are devoid of motivation, the Russians well approve of the war. And even a "preemptive" nuclear strike no longer seems like blasphemy to them.
I will say an unpleasant thing - both for you and for myself. We rely on China. Not as an ally, but as that Russian boss who can stop the war with one call to the bunker in the Urals. I do not think that Beijing is worried about some thousands of lives of the Orthodox faith. But it got tired of it all quickly.
If Europe is saved by China, it will be embarrassing
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Shame for NATO!
I subscribe to every word below from Dalia Grybauskaite, president of Lithuania, 2009-2019:
“Sanctions will not stop Putin, whatever they may be. They are necessary, but without any exceptions, such as those we see in SWIFT outages or in the energy sector and the banks that serve it ...

Only a war that has already begun can stop a new war. There is no need to pretend and try to calm our conscience by supplying Ukraine with nothing but weapons, and it is too late. The people of Ukraine are fighting for us, and the children of Ukraine are protecting us from Putin's madness.

The repetition of the mantra that NATO cannot help Ukraine already sounds pathetic and shows the cowardice of the West.

Putin sees this too. Although he is learning quickly, the West still does not understand that Ukraine is in a European war. Either you take part in this and fight the aggressor, or you become an accomplice in war crimes, just standing and watching Ukraine and its people being destroyed. Yes, accomplice.
If we do not stop Putin in Ukraine, we will still have to conduct the war, but in our countries.

Ukraine is asking for real help, and we are watching residential quarters being demolished on our TV screens, and we keep saying that we "strongly support Ukraine."

I am ashamed to hear NATO leaders and officials mutter that they "cannot get involved in the conflict". But we did it in Syria, Libya, Africa, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan, didn't we?

Today, Ukraine is fighting for the survival of its nation and for peace in Europe. Will we continue to watch an independent state collapse?

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to her heroes, but so far only to her heroes, because there are no others on the horizon."